
LDaCA is one strand of the partnership between the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Queensland. This partnership includes a number of projects that explore language-related technologies, data collection infrastructure and Indigenous capability programs. These projects are being led out of the Language Technology and Data Analytics Lab (LADAL), which is overseen by Professor Michael Haugh and Dr Martin Schweinberger.

The LDaCA project received investment from ARDC through two of its programs:

  1. Australian Data Partnerships Program: Developing policy and technology foundations of a nationally integrated research infrastructure for language data collections of high strategic importance for the Australian research community (DP).
  2. HASS Research Data Commons and Indigenous Research Capability Program: Capitalising on existing infrastructure, securing vulnerable and dispersed collections and linking with improved analysis environments for new research outcomes (HASS-RDC).

Partner Institutions:

  • University of Queensland (DP, HASS-RDC): Professor Michael Haugh, Professor Clint Bracknell
  • Australian National University (DP, HASS-RDC): Professor Catherine Travis
  • Monash University (DP, HASS-RDC): Associate Professor Louisa Willoughby
  • University of Melbourne (DP, HASS-RDC): Associate Professor Nick Thieberger
  • University of Sydney (HASS-RDC): Professor Monika Bednarek (Sydney Corpus Lab)
  • First Languages Australia (HASS-RDC): Beau Williams

Advisory / Consultative Partners